
Friday, September 19, 2014

Product of a Dark Time

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For the past week me and my group mates have been working on a project. We all had to design a part of a museum and be the curator. A curator is someone who is responsible for a specific collection in a cultural heritage institution. They are responsible for selecting materials to go into the collection. Our exhibit was about slavery during the Industrial Revolution. Our sources were a map from the cotton movement, slavery stats from 1770- 1860. We also had a piece of Richard Arkwright work. We came up with the title by knowing that slavery was a dark time in the Industrial Revolution we decided to call it Products of a Dark Time. We hope that people learn that the Industrial Revolution was not all great and people were inviting new things but it was also a hard time for people trying to work.  

We also visited other groups exhibits as well. From group A we learned that people were figuring out new ways to get places. An example of that is the train. From group B we learned all about the steam engine. we learned that it could go 5mph and for back then it was a big deal. For group C we leaned about the bad part of the industrial revolution. The city was not doing well and everything was slum and people didn't have any money. For group D we leaned all about child labor. WE leaned that kids were chained together and kids were working very young. I enjoyed this project and I hope we do something like this again.